For reference, BPAi have more RaV experience in project management, training, consultancy, manufacturer support and audits than any other consultancy.
With the introduction of GDPR a greater emphasis has been placed on access to customer data and we must ensure this data is limited to those employees administering vehicle registrations, who are fully compliant in the process.
Failure to comply with the DVLA contract could result in your dealership having the RaV facility being removed and/or the Operator being denied access. Dealers need to ensure that the appointed RaV Operators are correctly trained. Remote audits are now completed twice a year as instructed by the manufacturer, so you need to make sure that your Operators are compliant at all times. For further guidance on compliance please contact BPAi for further information.
BPAi can assist you with the following compliances:-
Are you compliant or complacent? Contact BPAi today to talk through